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Affliction for the Soul

Sunday we looked at Psalm 22 as David writes a prophetic psalm speaking of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (v.1) We all have felt such an anguish though the reality for us is God never has forsaken us. The reason God has never forsaken us is because he has “forsaken” his Son, Jesus. We certainly suffer and experience affliction, but never to the degree of what Jesus has done. Affliction is good for the soul. Jesus’ affliction is good for our soul. Without it, we have no hope. With it, nothing we suffer compares. For we deserve more than we receive and Jesus deserved none of what he received. When we act as if we deserve none, we demean what Jesus has suffered. Let us look to the cross and our Christ who bore our sin upon it. Do your see your sin? Do you see He had none?

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