
BK's Korner, 6/17/2024

If you do not already know, we have been informed that both our Worship Leader and our Youth Minister will be stepping down effective June 30. As I said yesterday, I am not feeling down over this turn of events. In fact, I have a sense of excitement. We are moving into a new phase in the ministry of this church. God, in His sovereignty is preparing us for that new phase.  He is putting in place the pieces that need to be there for us to move forward. Remember, God is still using The First Baptist Church and He plans to continue to do so. So, stay positive. Look forward with excitement. Pray. Step in to help. 

Be sure to talk to both Cody and Debbie over the next couple of weeks.  Let them know how much we appreciated their desire to serve the Lord here in our Church. Encourage them as they move forward to what God has new for them as well. 

Another thing that is happening as we move into this new phase, is the starting of new classes and ministries. We are starting a new Sunday School class in August.  It will be an adult class led by Joey Hargrave. If you do not currently attend a Sunday School class, you may want to try this one out.  If you want to be a part of starting this new class, then you are welcome to join.

If you are interested in helping to start an English as a Second Language ministry here in our church, please let me know.  Training for this ministry will be Friday - Saturday, July 26-27 at Prestonwood Church in the Dallas area. Several of you have already expressed interest. 

Please begin and continue to keep our upcoming VBS in your prayers.  Pray for all the workers and the students. If you would like to help, contact Cheryl Royal and she will certainly plug you in. Sign your kids up on our Facebook page, Website, or just bring them the first day and register them then.

Come to the Mt. of Olives because Jesus is there.
Make a time and place to be still with God.
Pray for the sick.
Pray for the grieving. 
Pray for your One.
Invite someone to “Come Sit By You” in Sunday School and Worship.
Pray for our Church.
Pray for our Community.

Love and Blessings to you all.
BK ><>

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