
BK's Korner, 12/11/2023

Whatever happened to screen doors?  You know what I’m talking about right?  They usually had that one long spring about halfway down the door that would pull it closed.  Screen doors all seemed to have that same distinctive squeak of the hinges. They also had that same noise when they slammed shut. I was constantly getting in trouble for letting the screen door slam closed. 

It’s funny the things you remember. At Christmas the memories are of grandma and grandpa’s house.  I remember family and getting together for lunch or dinner.  Everyone talking. Women in the kitchen.  Men watching football. Grandpa’s long skinny body stretched out on the couch. Kids being too loud and of course, the screen door squeaking and slamming shut. Funny, isn’t it? How our memories are not about things but about people and happenings. You see, we seek love and relationships. Like I said yesterday it isn’t something we seek, it is someone.  Love and relationships from family make a huge impact upon our lives. We remember the shared moments more than we remember the gifts.  Remember that this Christmas season. Your impact on your families will have more to do with the love and joy you share than the gifts that you give.  Make memories. Attend Christmas Eve services together. Read the Christmas story from Luke 2. Make memories.

Of course, the true someone that we seek is Christ the Lord.  The Child we celebrate during this time. Seek Him during this season.  Remember the star and how it led the Wise Men to Jesus.  Remember you too are on a journey where you are seeking.  Seeking someone. Seeking Jesus. 

I hope you truly have a Merry and Joyous Christmas. I hope you get to relax and re-energize as you head into the coming year. 

Please consider giving an extra gift to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering for foreign missions during this season. 

I hope you will plan to attend both the Sunday School conference in January and the Empower Conference in February. 

Please pray for the lost during this coming year. 

Blessings to you All,
See you Sunday.
Who’s Your One? – pray for them. 


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