BK's Korner 2024
BK's Korner, 5/13/2024
Would you understand what I mean when I say that I got my teeth rattled this past weekend? I mean rattled hard too. Here is what happened. I went to see my dad this...
BK's Korner, 5/6/2024
BK's Korner
I think I had the perfect cup of diner/café coffee this past weekend. Yes, I did clarify that it was diner/café coffee. I don’t know why. Maybe it took me back...
BK's Korner, 4/29/2024
Today I want to reiterate and emphasize something from my sermon yesterday. Joshua 14:10-12 really spoke to me as I studied this passage. At 85 years old Joshua came and...
BK's Korner, 4/22/2024
If you love professional baseball and have never been to a minor league game, you should really go to one. It is a much more intimate setting than the giant MLB ballparks. There...
BK's Korner, 4/15/2024
Tax Day. Yuck! Today is a day dreaded by many people in our country. Today is not only the day that your annual Federal Taxes are due, it is also the day that quarterly...