BK's Korner 2/3/2025
It is Monday morning. I have had Microsoft Word opened on my computer for over an hour now. I have had a blank document opened and ready for me to type my newsletter article for this week. Nothing. Nothing has come to me for over an hour. Honestly, sometimes it is difficult to come up with something to write about week after week. Today is one of those days. I don’t know what I should write about. There is nothing or no one to help me. It is just me staring at this computer.
You know I’m glad that I don’t have to struggle with prayer the same way. The Scripture says, “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” Romans 8:26. Whenever I am drawing a blank on what to pray for I have this promise that I don’t need to worry because God’s Spirit will take over and do the praying for me. That’s good news!
I want you to notice something else about that verse. It doesn’t say “when” we don’t know what we should pray for. No, instead it makes a statement of fact. It says, “…we do not know…” what we should pray for. Wow! This means that if I’m not letting the Spirit pray every time have a prayer time then my prayer is likely inadequate. I don’t even know what to pray for. Only the Spirit knows my heart and the mind of God. Only the Spirit can adequately pray my heart in accordance with God’s will. I’m glad the Spirit knows how to pray.
Now if I could just get Him to write these Bridge Builder articles for me. Hmmm. Actually, I think He just did!
Let’s collect some soup for the Bridge City Orangefield Ministerial alliance. Also, note that next month is our month to help at the alliance. We can help work on Monday or Wednesday at the alliance. I will also need someone with a load towing capable truck to go to the Food Bank and pick up the food for the month.
Be sure to Pray. Pray that people would be able to see the truth of the gospel and have the faith to respond to it. Pray for someone specifically. You know someone who needs God in their lives. Pray for them.
Have a blessed week. Pray. Let the Spirit pray.
BK ><>