
BK's Korner 2/24/2025

BK's Korner
The Greeks had a statue which they called “Opportunity”. The statue was a person who had a very long lock of hair on the front of its head. The back of the head however was bald. The idea was that when “opportunity” was in front of you; you could grab hold of it.  Once it was past you; there was nothing to take hold of. Opportunity had passed you by. 

As I said yesterday in my sermon, we have a choice to make.  We must choose to surrender to Christ. We must choose that we will be who God wants us to be. We will go where He wants us to go and do what He wants us to do. Right now, we have the opportunity. It is in front of us, and we can take hold of it.  Do not let it pass you by. 

Ephesians 5:15-16 tells us that we need to live wisely. Making the most of every opportunity that we have.  We need to make certain we seize the opportunities that we have spiritually while they are in front of us. Jesus said that He had to work while it is day because the night is coming when no one can work (John 9:4). Seize your opportunities! Make the most of every situation. Don’t let opportunity pass you by. 

I want to be like Moses and the first step is to make a choice! Choose.

I don’t know about you, but I am ready for some drier, warmer weather. Spring is upon us and soon we will be planting gardens and celebrating our Risen Savior. This year we will have a treat I think you will enjoy. On Wednesday April 16 we will be joined by a guest speaker from Chosen People Ministries.  He will give a presentation called “Messiah In The Passover”. He will show us the Passover meal and how Christ is pictured there.  We will be taking the Lord’s Supper that evening during the presentation. I hope you will make plans to attend.

I hope you all have a truly blessed week. 
Pray for our church.
Pray for our community.
Pray for your One.
Pray every day.
Choose today to Serve the Lord

BK ><>

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