
BK's Korner 2/10/2025

I burnt my wrist over the weekend. Before I get into the story, let me just say that I am ok.  The burn wasn’t serious. It was just enough to sting for a day or so and make my skin red.

As many of you know I have a couple of vehicles that I rarely drive.  I was starting them over the weekend just to let them run for a little while. One of the vehicles got hot. I think the thermostat may have stuck sitting up through the cold. Once I saw the gauge telling me the car was hot I immediately shut it off.  However, I couldn’t help myself after this.

I know better. I know that the steam and/or the coolant coming out of a hot radiator can spew and burn you.  I’ve known that all of my adult life.  I just wanted to relieve the pressure. So, I turned the radiator cap just a bit. It started spewing a small amount of water/coolant.  At some point I decided I wanted to let off some more pressure. At this point, in my mind I told myself to stop. Just go in the house and wait for the vehicle to cool off. Instead, I went and got a towel to provide a little protection. I turned it again. It is spewing pretty good at this point, and I know the cap is likely about open.  However, I want to turn it just a little more. Again, I tell myself, “Stop”. Don’t get burned. I touch the cap one last time. It immediately bursts off the radiator from the pressure underneath it.  Scalding hot fluid shoots up like a volcano erupting. It scalds my wrist. 

I am thinking we often treat sin the same way in our lives.  We just keep pushing the envelope.  We try to see just how far we can go before getting burned.  We know better. We even tell ourselves that we need to stop. We just cannot. Maybe just one more turn on the cap.  One more step in the wrong direction.  One more very small act and we should still be ok. Soon we have gone too far and it is too late. Sin erupts in our lives and we have to suffer the consequence. 

“But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.”
James 1:14-15

Guard your hearts. Guard your lives. Stop turning the cap. Save yourself from getting burned.

Stop Running from God.
Don’t quit on God.
Take the second chance God is offering you.
See the sign of Jesus rising from the dead.
Pray today and every day.

Love and Blessings.
BK ><>

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