BK's Korner 1/27/2025
Did you enjoy the snow event last week? I must confess that I did. I’m sure many of you walked outside in the early morning hours when all was quiet and still and just stood and watched the snow fall. It was completely mesmerizing and caused me to contemplate on the wonders of God.
Unless you are an avid skier you might have been a little unprepared for the snow. You probably do not have clothing that is made for that kind of weather. You may not have good waterproof gloves and things like that. Because we don’t get snow like that often in some ways we were not prepared for it.
There is a passage in the Bible that we call the “Excellent Wife (woman)” passage. It is found in Proverbs 31. It describes the valuable woman. In verse 21 it says, “She is not afraid of snow for her household, for all her household is clothed with scarlet.” In other words, if the snow came, she didn’t have to worry about it because she was prepared and had already taken steps to ensure that her family was prepared as well. The snow conditions would not catch her unprepared.
Are we prepared spiritually for whatever may come to our lives? If something happens, do we have to begin a prayer life? Or have already been in touch with God regularly so the prayer is natural and already on our lips. We are already close to God’s heart and we don’t have to try and “get right” first.
Are we already in tune with God and hearing Him speak so that the line of communication is already open? Are we already seeking Him in His word so that scriptures can speak to us about our situation? If something happened and you really needed God right now, would have to spend time preparing or are you already prepared? Are you ready for winter? Are you prepared for the snow? Let’s determine to stay prepared. Let us take that worry away. Let us stay in tune with God and His word through our prayer life. Let us not be afraid of the snow.
Hope your year is off to a great start. Pray. Pray every day. Pray today. Intercede in Prayer.
Love and Blessings to you all.
BK ><>