Flavor for the Soul
Sunday we returned to our sermon series in the Book of Psalms. In Psalm 34:8 the writer states, “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!” As humans we have five senses in which we can experience and analyze our world. The five senses we have are sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Biblical text throughout encourage us to utilize every sense we have to experience, to test, the Lord. God is described in human terms interacting with us through the five senses, as well. We can see but are sometimes blind. We can hear, but sometimes fail to listen. We can touch, but sometimes resist His presence. We can smell, but sometimes find Him repugnant. We can taste, but …. We being born into sin and then actively rebelling seeking our own will and desire have scorched our taste buds. We like children demand our favorite treat, refusing to eat what is nutritious and good. Our palate has been damaged, hijacked, abused causing us to be unable to enjoy what is good. What is good, we spit out as if it is poison. But God gave us the ability to taste. He built our taste to only be satisfied by one flavor. We have been lied to and we have lied to ourselves. God is good. “Taste and see.” Retrain your palate to enjoy what satisfies. Are you hungry? Tired of trying to satisfy yourself?