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Boldness for the Soul, Psalm 108

Psalm 108 is the text we will turn to as we continue our sermon series, “Songs for the Soul.” We are all susceptible to feeling defeated and hopeless. Having a relationship with Jesus Christ does not make us immune to this possibility. The issue we must contend with is not trying to avoid the dark and difficult times, but being certain we are responding to them appropriately. We live in a world which by its current nature is degenerative and destructive. We ourselves are preprogrammed by our sin nature to be self-centered and fatalistic. We cannot defeat the darkness by determining to be happy and strong arming our will to conquer our despair. The problem is there are bad days, bad months, bad years, and even bad lives. Life can be and is painful. But where do we look for our hope? Are we to manufacture our own solution? God calls us to trust him in our pain and hopelessness. “For vain is the salvation of man” (v.12) when we attempt our own tainted resolutions versus trusting in him. God does not save us from despair, God saves us through the despair. “With God we shall do valiantly; it is he who will tread down our foes.” (v.13) Will you trust God to do the work of salvation on your behalf?

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