BK's Korner, 9/6/2022
Well I surely missed being with my church family yesterday. It just doesn’t feel right whenever a Sunday rolls around and I’m not with y’all. I am however on the mend and back in the office today. Still a little worn down and still a little congested but for the most part I feel good.
Just a few housekeeping things for you this week. First is a reminder that the Pumpkins are coming. We will set up the Patch on Saturday, Sept 17 at 9 am. We can use a lot of help getting things set up. I hope you will come and help out. The Pumpkins themselves will be arriving on Saturday Sept 24 at 9 am. We will definitely need all hands on deck to unload the pumpkins. With a good turnout and people working we can get it done in a couple of hours. We will also need people to man the Patch each day. Be sure to sign up and help sell pumpkins.
Would have any interest in attending a “Who’s Your One” Evangelism workshop on Monday, October 10? The workshop will be held at Champion Forrest Baptist Church in Houston Tx. The time of the workshop is 9 – 11:30. We can take the church van for those who would like to go. We will leave at 6:30 am. We can stop for lunch on the way home. The event is sponsored by the North American Mission Board. If you are interested in going please let me know.
Summer is over. School has begun. We are getting back into our routines. Be sure to make church attendance a priority. Make sure to make giving your tithes a priority as well. As a church we are doing more and more activities and these activities require money. So please trust God with your finances as well as everything else in your life.
I am so thankful for the hope that I have in Christ. Hope for salvation. Hope for eternal life. Hope for peace here. Hope for His hand to hold me. Hope! I couldn’t make it through life without hope and you can’t either! Hope in Him and Him alone.
Love you all
BK ><>