
BK's Korner, 9/23/2024


Pearl came to church a couple of weeks ago.  Did you meet her? Did you see her? I saw her in the parking lot.  She came with “family”. You may not have seen or met her. You see, Pearl is a chicken. Apparently, she hitched a ride in the back of the truck. There she was in the parking lot after church.

Obviously, unless you saw her or talked to her “family” you probably don’t know that she was here.  I am using this little story as a segue into encouraging us to be sure to meet and greet people on Sunday Mornings. Be sure to look around and if you see someone you don’t know, then go and greet them. Introduce yourself.  We want our guests to feel welcome. It is our responsibility to break the ice and say “Hi”. You might even see old friends and they also need to know that they are welcome. Again, it is our responsibility to welcome them.

This Sunday find someone to greet. Introduce yourself. Remember, if you don’t know them then they don’t know you!

It is time for the Pumpkin Patch.  I really do appreciate the way everyone steps in and helps ensure that it is a success. Patch set up went well. This Saturday we will need to unload the truck at 9 am.  Watch Facebook in case there is a time change due to the truck’s arrival time.  

We also need to man the patch each day from 10 – 7.  We have sign-up sheets so please take a look at them and sign up to work when you can.  If you have never worked the Patch before, don’t worry you can’t mess it up. You cannot make a mistake!

Bring the kids and grandkids out to the Pumpkin Patch. No purchase necessary. Take advantage of our photo opportunities. Let the kids play in the pumpkins.  They won’t hurt anything. 

Continue to help your Sunday School class/department reach out to members who may not be attending. 

Pray for our Community and our Church.
Pray for the Lost.
Pray for the Sick.
Pray to our Father and Maker!

Love and blessings to you all.
BK ><>

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