
BK's Korner, 7/8/2024

You gotta say “Yes” to VBS! VBS is here! Due to weather conditions (Hurricane Beryl) we didn’t start with a large crowd today, but the ones that are here will have and are having a great time. VBS is one of the greatest opportunities to put the gospel and Bible Stories into the lives of the children in our community. Please pray for all of the workers and the kids during this week. Especially be in prayer on Thursday at 9:30 a.m. I will be making a gospel presentation to the older kids.  Pray that they would be able to understand the gospel and have the faith to receive it. 

Don’t you feel like we are on the verge of God doing a GREAT work in our church?  I hope you feel it because I certainly do. We have people visiting every week. That is a great sign. As long as you have new people visiting your church, some of them will keep coming back and some of those will become members. The baptisms are the thing I am most excited about. We have already baptized more people this year than we did all of last year. We are here to make disciples, that starts with leading people to faith in Christ and being baptized.

Making Disciples also means to teach believers what Jesus taught and how to follow Him.  We have Sunday School classes for everyone.  We are also beginning a new class the first Sunday in August. If you haven’t found a Sunday School class yet, then be sure to attend the new class to check it out. The class will be led by Joey and Ramona Hargrave. 

Another great way to begin the discipleship process is to attend our New Members Class. I know it is a New Members class, but you may benefit from it as well, even though you are not a New Member. The class goes through “The Survival Kit” which covers the basic essentials of what it means to be a Christian. The class also goes through our Church’s Constitution and By Laws.  You will learn how our church functions and makes decisions. You will tour the church.  It covers so many things that you may enjoy.

We also have other smaller discipleship groups. Some that are ongoing and one that is looking to get started again. If any of these are of interest to you then please let us know.

Pray for us as we seek God’s direction to fill our vacant Staff Positions.
Pray for Bro. Billy as he fills the interim for our Worship.
Pray for the volunteers who are filling in for the Youth Ministry.
Pray for our Church.
Pray for Your One.
Get a One.
Pray for hearts to be open to the gospel.

Love you all.
Blessings, BK ><>

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