BK's Korner, 7/29/2024
I got home a little late on Saturday night after having spent two days in the Dallas area doing our ESL training. I have lived in the house I live in now for 29 years. However, when I got out of my truck on Saturday night, I noticed something that was very unusual for where I live. I heard something I do not ever remember hearing at my house. I heard the croak of frogs. Seriously. You know that croak that frogs make. I could hear them everywhere! There were not just a couple of frogs out there somewhere. There had to be hundreds and they were everywhere. I could not see them but I knew that they were there because I could hear them. When you hear the sound of frogs and you don’t live on a body of water, you can be sure that it has been raining a lot and things are extremely wet.
It reminded me of Jesus’ words in John 3:8. He said, “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.” You do not see the wind, but you can hear it. You can hear it blow and you can hear the leaves of the tree rustling. You do not see it but you know it is there. Jesus says that those who have the Spirit in them are the same way. You may not be able to see the Spirit but you will definitely be able to tell it is there. You will be able to see and hear the affects that it is having on people’s lives.
I wonder if you can hear the frogs in my life. Meaning I wonder if you can see the evidence of the Holy Spirit in my life. Can others see the evidence of the Spirit in your life? The Spirit is working and it is evident. You cannot see Him but you can hear the sound of His moving. May His working be evident in us as individuals and as a church body.
The ESL training was great. You will be hearing more from me about that very soon. Please be in prayer about whether God wants us to use and ESL Ministry here in our church.
I am excited about the new Sunday School class this is beginning this coming Sunday. We also have a new discipleship group starting soon and we will begin another New Members Class in September.
Oh yes, and lest I forget ….. The Pumpkins are Coming! Mark your calendars for September 28 at 9 am! We will need all hands on Deck
I hope that you are enjoying having Billy lead our Worship. I also hope you’ve made it a point to meet him and Pam. You will definitely be blessed by them.
Please pray for our church and community. Thank God for Blessing us and ask Him to continue to use us for Hid Kingdom’s Purposes.
Love and Blessings to you all.
BK ><>