
BK's Korner, 7/15/2024


Once again, I would like to thank everyone that had any part in VBS here at The First Baptist Church last week. I really do think it was one of the best Vacation Bible Schools that we have had. One thing that I think I learned this year is that there are so many children without a spiritual foundation of God’s Word in their lives. I used to say that VBS was one of the best tools for getting children to come to faith in Christ.  Traditionally it has been just that.  Now however it is a necessary tool for planting/watering the seed of the gospel.  I truly believe that Jesus really does love the little children.  I think He is honored when children gather with their innocence and faith to learn about Him.  None of that could happen without you. You made it happen. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I hope that you are enjoying having Billy Pruitt and his wife Pam leading us in worship. Pray for them as they lead during this interim period and pray for our church as we begin to move forward to take care of staff positions. 

I am away this week visiting my father.  He just turned 90 and all my family is here in the San Marcos area visiting my dad. My kids act like kids together even as adults.  Really it’s kind of funny.

I hope you had a great time at the watermelon fellowship Sunday evening. I’m so sorry I missed it. Watermelon is my favorite.  I am thoroughly enjoying the fellowships that we have been having during the summer months. Fellowship is such an important part of building a church body. One that we do not give enough attention to.

It seems there have been a lot of people develop some health issues over this past week. Please be in prayer for the sick in our church.

Pray for our church as we allow God to move among us and use us in our community.

Pray for your One.

Oh yeah. Guess what? The Pumpkins Are Coming!

Love you all

BK ><>


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