
BK's Korner, 7/1/2024

We are beginning a new phase of ministry and church life here at The First Baptist Church in Bridge City. I think that God showed us yesterday that He is not finished with us yet and that He is still moving here in our community and church. He is preparing us for that next phase. Please be in prayer that God will lead as we will be searching for new staff members in the immediate future. Pray for the right people for our church and community.

I have asked Billy Pruitt to fill in as the Worship Leader until we find someone for that position.  Billy and his wife Pam serve as a team. Billy has filled in for us whenever we have needed someone to fill a Sunday.  I think most of you enjoy them and will support them. Please pray for them and make them feel welcome.

We do have some volunteers from our church family who will fill in the youth department for Sunday School and Wednesday evenings.  Please pray for our youth and for those who will be filling those positions in the interim. 

I would like you to join me in a prayer ministry. Let us make a commitment to pray for all of those who have and will make commitments to Christ here in our church.  Write down their names. Pray specifically for each one for the rest of the year.  Praying for people to be saved is simply the first step. Now we need to pray that God will continue to work in their hearts to make them into who He has created them to be. 

Please Pray for, sign up kids and volunteer to help in Vacation Bible School.  If you haven’t signed up to help, don’t worry we will find a place for you. Just let us know you want to help.  Pray for all the leaders, teachers, and children. Pray that God will put the seeds of the gospel in their lives.

We have finished our first New Members Class.  I want to thank the Seguras and Julia Morris for leading this class. I feel like it has been a tremendous success.  We will be starting a new one in September. If you are interested, stay tuned and you can sign up.

Pray for VBS.
Pray for those who have made New Commitments to Christ.
Pray for our Church.
Pray for Your One.
Invite someone to Come Sit By You.

Love and Blessings to you all.
BK ><>

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