
BK's Korner, 2/5/2024

I went to visit with my dad for a few days this weekend. He is doing well, just getting old. I just need to see him regularly at this point in his life so that I have no regrets. I have noticed that there are two things that I do a lot of when I go visit my dad.  I sleep a lot and I eat a lot of cookies and milk.  Seriously. Mom and dad have always had two large cookie jars and they are always filled.  I get my fill when I am there. There’s nothing better than cheap cream filled cookies and a glass of cold milk.

I am not really sure why I do so much of those two things when I am there, but I do.  I guess it is because of the environment I am.  I am where I grew up. The place where I was a kid. There is a comfort level there. I do not really have any major responsibilities while there, so I just unplug. I sleep and eat cookies. 

Sometimes in our spiritual lives we can be that way.  We get so busy and caught up in life.  We need to just unplug, get some rest, and have some cookies. Jesus said He came to give us rest for our souls. We need to find the time to simply draw near to our Heavenly Father for that rest.  We need to allow Him to just minister to our souls with the blessings of His love, grace, mercy and acceptance. Cookies. God has a jar full. Take some. Get a glass of milk and indulge in the blessings of God.

So, I need to create the environment of being in God’s house. Staying near to His presence. I need to ensure that I worship and seek to be in the presence of God privately not just corporately. 

I know our church family lost a wonderful man this past week. I pray God’s Blessings on the Neely family. 

I will be gone for a few days but will be back for Sunday so don’t skip!  I plan to preach from Isaiah 6:1-8 next week. Read it. Over and over. Pray over it. Ask God to speak to you through it. Then come prepared to hear from Him.

With exuberant Praise…
Humility in Worship…
Ready to Respond!

Love you all
BK ><>

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