
BK's Korner, 2/20/2024

God is always at work somewhere around us. It is our responsibility to make ourselves available to Him so that He can use us.

Sunday before last I preached from Isaiah 6.  “Here am I. Send me.” was the theme of the message. I also used Luke 10 where Jesus said to pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out more laborers.  I said that we needed to ask God to raise up workers for the harvest in our community and that we had to commit to being available to Him for that purpose.  That night was our monthly prayer meeting. We prayed specifically for God to raise up laborers and for a harvest of souls.  I asked God to bring someone to Christ in the upcoming Sunday service (yesterday).  Yes, I specifically asked that He do it on the upcoming Sunday.  

I did have someone in mind that I had planned on sharing the gospel with last week.  My hope was that God would make them ready to receive the gospel.  However, that opportunity fell through, and I was not able to share with them. However, three people approached me on their own about making a public profession of faith through baptism.  One man who came forward yesterday has actually been coming to church with his wife for a few years.  They live across the street from the church and come fairly regularly. They sit in the back against the wall. Out of nowhere he asked me about being baptized. So, we talked, and he came forward during the invitation.

The couple that came forward was also totally unexpected.  I have never met either of them before in my life.  He called the church during the week and told me that he needed to be baptized in order to follow the Lord.  Since I didn’t know them I told him I needed to talk to them.  We met here at the church on Saturday and talked.  It was obvious that God has clearly been dealing with him (both of them really). They were indeed ready to be baptized for the right reasons. 

The point I want to make by telling this story. First, God answered the very specific prayer that was prayed. He answered it without my help. Second, God is at work around us, we just need to allow Him to use us.  He can bring them to us if need be.  We need to continue to ask God to do His work and watch to see what He does. We need to continue to make ourselves available to Him.

Blessings to you all. 
Pray to The Lord of the Harvest.
Who’s Your One?

Love you all
BK ><>

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