
BK's Korner, 11/6/2023

I think that Job had some real insight into life.  He understood.  In Job 14:1 he said, “Man who is born of woman is of a few days and full of trouble.”  To paraphrase, he said that life is short and it’s difficult. Life is full of hardships.

Yesterday’s Sunday School lesson from Mark was Jesus telling his disciples about all of the tribulation that will come into the world before He comes again. We can even see at this point in history that things are beginning to be pretty bad.  Actually, we can just simply look at our own lives. We all have difficulties in life.  Some of you could be in your most difficult situation in life right now.  Some of you have just come out of a hardship like you’ve never experienced before. 

My point is that life is and can be extremely difficult. It can be uncertain.  It can cause us anxiety and fear.  Discontentment and cynicism can permeate our lives.  We need some peace! All of these tribulations of life we have to work through can really affect us emotionally. 

Therefore, let us remember the words of Jesus in John 16:33. “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”  Jesus is telling us to trust Him.  He actually acknowledges that life is going to be full of hardships, disappointments, and hurts. However, He declares that He is able to give us peace to go through these tribulations. Whether global and political or private and personal, we will only find our peace in Christ.

I trust that you will continue to pray that we will stay close to God so that we can experience His peace.  Pray that we will stay close enough to Him so that He can continue to shape us into who He wants us to be.  Pray that as He shapes us He will use us. Continue to pray that we will share the Words of Life to our community. Pray that they will hunger for Him and that we will have what they need to fulfill that spiritual hunger. 

Begin to prepare your hearts now for the Holiday season.  What I mean by that is to prepare your hearts to have a spiritual focus. Let us recognize what we have to be thankful for and remember the true meaning of the Baby in the manger. Let us make sure that we celebrate the spiritual and not just the worldly.

Remember how much you need Him.
Remember to follow Him.
Remember to Pray.
Remember to be thankful.

Blessings to you all

BK ><>

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