Tiny Petitions
Tiny Petitions
Prayer is of vital importance to the Christian. It is a great privilege that the believer has; to be able to offer up petitions to the Lord. With such a great privilege comes a great opportunity. The Christian has the opportunity, even the responsibility, to pray to our Father about everything. We pray for ourselves, our families, churches, community, children, grandchildren, neighbors, missionaries, ministers, and so on.
When it comes to corporate prayer many can become intimidated. It is easy for one to think that they do not pray as well as this or that person. However, it should be remembered that the quality and amount of our words in prayer are not the measure of what “good” prayer is. Any person with a knack for speaking can utter words that they do not mean and have them sound pleasant. Sometimes our prayers may sound like a child muttering words that we can hardly form, but if they come from a heart renewed by Christ then they are fit for prayer.
One of my dearest friends told me that one of the sweetest seasons of prayer that he has ever had in his life was when he was getting sober. In the difficult mess of putting down the bottle to follow after Christ he would simply offer tiny petitions to the Lord each day. Sometimes it was all he could do but say, “Jesus, help” with every other breath. A simple prayer. A tiny prayer. Yet, it was a prayer from a heart that had been renewed by Christ and desired to follow after Him anew.
Let not your ability of words and speech keep you from prayer, especially corporate prayer. The Lord understands even the simple, lisped words of His children. There is also a great benefit given to the body of Christ when simple and humble words come from the mouth of a brother. What a gift it is to have brothers and sisters, who may not be eloquent in speech, who are willing to pray openly with others. Let us all be encouraged when a brother or sister in Christ offers up prayers to our Father, whether well formed or simple.
Grace be with you,
C. R. Hamilton