
Praying Through June

Praying Through June
As June comes into full swing many of us will ask, “Where has the time gone?” Though it seems like we just put the Christmas decorations away, they will be out again shortly. Time waits for no man. Therefore, let us not waste the time that we have. Let us be diligent in prayer. How can we be praying as a church during June? Here are a few suggestions.

First, let us always pray for the exaltation of Jesus Christ as Lord. It is the desire of the Christian’s heart that in all places, all times, among all people that Jesus Christ would be lifted up and exalted before, by, and through His people. Let us pray that Christ would be exalted in Bridge City. Let us pray that Christ would be exalted at FBC. We should be zealous that He would be exalted in our lives, marriages, work, relaxation, and beyond. Oh let us pray for the name of Jesus to be lifted high!

Secondly, let us pray for the LGBTQ+ community. June is, so-called, “Pride Month” and is a good reminder to pray for these people. We can pray that the Lord would go before us and soften their hearts. We can pray that the gospel would go forth in power among these people and bring them to saving faith in Jesus Christ. We can pray that the love of Christ would be shown to all people as we engage with them throughout the month. Rather than criticize and ridicule, let our mouths be filled with prayer, throughout the month, for this group.

Lastly, we can pray for those near and far. Let us pray for Bridge City and all who live here. We can pray for the students and faculty members who attend each school. We can pray for FBC as well as the other churches among us. Pray for the students here at FBC as we prepare to make our trip to the Ark in Kentucky. We can pray for the Southern Baptist Convention which will be meeting later this month. We can pray for our brothers in the PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) whose General Assembly will be meeting later this month. We can pray for our brothers and sisters around the globe as they seek to honor Christ in their lives wherever they may live. We can pray for missionaries who are out in the field, taking the gospel to those who have not heard. 

This list could go on and on. Indeed, there is no shortage of things to pray for. Knowing that there is no lack, let us all press on and be devoted to prayer. Do not let the rest of 2023 fly by without having sought the Father in prayer. Let us join together as a church to pray.

Grace be with you, 
C.R. Hamilton

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