
A Great Feast

A Great Feast
To each of you that had a hand in making Breakfast of Champions happen, thank you. Thursday began the long haul of preparing for the massive endeavor of feeding a portion of Bridge City High School. There was brisket smoking on the pit by mid-day, bacon was being cooked well into the wee hours of the night. Pancakes were being flipped before the rooster was able to crow. At 6:00 we began feeding the crowd of students and it was a big success. 

Again, thank you to each and every one of you. So many of you gave of your time to help make this event happen. Whether you stuck around to cook bacon, smoke brisket, flip pancakes, or any other role, thank you. For those of you who prayed, thank you. It is no small thing to pray. Not everyone can serve at every event, but the prayers of God’s people are always of value and benefit. 

As every component for the Breakfast of Champions came together and was set on the table to be served, I could not help but marvel at how much food we had. Truly, this would be considered a feast. As good as the brisket, bacon, and pancakes were I could not help but think of the greater feast to come. In the end, at the consummation of all things, Christ will come for His Bride. There will be the marriage supper of the Lamb. We will be with Christ and He will be with us. 

Not only that, but the Lord will remake the world (Rev. 21). Upon the new earth we will tread, praising Jesus for the redemption that He has wrought for His Bride. There will be joy unspeakable with Him. There will no longer be the presence of sin to keep us from the Lover of our souls. Just as the Bride in the Song of Songs ends her song by saying, “Make haste, my beloved…” So we also echo the words of the Apostle John at the end of his Revelation. “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!”

Grace be with you, 
C. R. Hamilton

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