


FBCBC Family, What a privilege to stand with you and sing praises to our Almighty God! Each Sunday I know God hears our voices as we raise them to Him in one accord. Yes, we get in tune with each other but more importantly, we get in tune with God.

We also encourage those who come into our midst to feel:
By Jim & Melissa Brady
Thru these doors have walked the very worst of sinners,
Thru these doors have walked the very best of saints
‘Cause in these walls they’re met with nothing, but
The Welcome of a Savior Who says “I’m so glad you came.”

Come on in and find a place of hope and healing
Come on in and find His Grace is flowing free
‘Cause in these walls you’ll find a refuge for the weary
And I can tell you there’s no better place to be.

So Welcome, Welcome to The House of The Lord
Where we step into His Presence
And miracles are waiting beyond imagination
Who knows what Heaven might have in store
Welcome, whatever your burdens just bring them
Lay them at His Feet and just leave them.
Nobody’s turned away.
He says: “Welcome, Welcome to The House of the Lord.”

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So ...when I was young I wanted to be Paladin (Richard Boone) who played in an old western TV series “Have Gun, Will Travel.” I was ready to face the world with 2 six guns and a holster that I got for Christmas back in the 1960’s. According to Google, Paladin’s name means “trusted leader” or “champion of a cause.” He was an honorable, formidable fighter who was also a refined intellectual.

After BK’s message yesterday, I’m settin’ my sights a lil’ higher,
“FBCBC’ no better place to be! (other than Heaven)

Love, Billy

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