“For all have sinned
Come short of the glory of God.”
That’s where we “all” find ourselves. “Helpless.” But God, through His Love and Amazing Grace not only coveres our sins, but justifies us through Christ. “We didn’t do it.” He became sin Who knew no sin that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. It’s as if all of our mistakes never happened. After such a Gift of Grace, how can we say “THANKS” except to give our hearts and lives to God. That’s it: “Give Him our devotion and our love.”
These are just a few thoughts we took away from Sunday’s message. We’ll be contemplating them for this next week as we face the wintry mix this week.
I just feel like something good is about to happen
And brother this could be,
Sister it could be just any day.
We love y’all!
Billy & Pam