

WE THANK GOD FOR 2023………………

I see how God is working in our church with such power. How blessed that God has each one of us at FBCBC for our specific purposes to further His Kingdom. How we have learned to love each other and work together toward the goals God has set for us.

I have seen 2023 as a leaning year, where we are all leaning into each of our unique callings, as we work together as the Body of Christ for God’s purposes. And, as we lean into our calling, we lean into Jesus for His help and guidance as we move on into the New Year.

Our Pastor, this past Sunday called us again to pick up our mantles and be ready to move into 2024 and do the work that God has prepared us to do.  God said in Mark 15:16 “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

Our focus in ministry and in our prayers will be on the lost.  I was hit so hard in the sermon when I thought of all the prayers I pray about my family and the healing of loved ones. Not a thing wrong with that, but I got the message.  What good will it do for someone’s cancer to be healed if they don’t belong to Christ or have the knowledge of His saving grace.     

We were reminded of the familiar story in Mark 2: 3-11 about the paralyzed man on a mat. His friends couldn’t bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, so we know they dug a hole in the roof and lowered the man on his mat right down in front of Jesus. The first thing Jesus said was “your sins are forgiven”.  Jesus did heal the man of his paralysis, but first forgave his sins. That is the most important healing.

I have already refocused my prayers for my loved ones. I still pray for my loved ones, but first I pray for their hearts to be turned to Christ and let everything else follow.  

I have refocused my prayers for the ones who I have a very hard time praying for. This is not easy. I have seen the abusive behavior coming from them to my loved ones. I pray for their hearts to come to Christ. That is the answer for everything.  

We must never stop praying. I have seen God’s hand working in the lives of people I have been praying for.  What I am seeing is God sending people into their lives who are leading them back to the One who has the power to heal their hearts.  

Psalm 143:8 “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You.”  

There is no other way
But to trust and obey.

For His Glory, 

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