

“Write on my heart every word, tell me the story most precious, sweetest that ever was heard
Tell how the angels, in chorus, sang as they welcomed His birth, Glory to God in the highest
Peace and good tidings to earth.”

Last night, when I got the chance to listen to Bro. Keith's video message from yesterday, I immediately got the inspiration for my article this morning.

Jeremiah 15:16 “When Your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God Almighty.”

I thought of the song I mentioned, Tell Me the Story of Jesus, and it was just one of those moments that you worship sitting alone in your house.  

I know that all of us have funny stories about family members through the years that are told over and over again, usually at family reunions, Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I have many, but one is about my niece Breanne.  She was about two years old, and we all met at a local seafood restaurant.  It had the tank out front with the lobsters in there and everyone was talking about the lobsters and what we would choose to eat that night.

Well, when we sat down to order the waitress came and Breanne said, I don’t want one of those “blobsters”. That ended up being one of those stories we tell over and over.  It is funny to us because we are family and all close to the subject of the story. By the way, we still call them “blobsters”.

Did you ever notice that as Christians, we never get tired of hearing about the stories of Jesus?  I know I don’t.  I love Jeremiah’s description of hearing the word of the Lord and just devouring it.

I have many Christian brothers and sisters in my life that when we talk of the things we know about Jesus, it’s like telling our family stories.  We are family,  These words that we read from the Bible is about our Father, about our Lord and Savior. 
We feel that oneness when we talk about Jesus and His time on the earth, when we talk about the miracles He performed, when we talk of how He suffered and died for us, because he knew we would never make it on our own.  

We feel how we are all in one accord when we speak these familiar words that we have read over and over from the Word.  They are in our hearts and they mean the world to us. 
“Tell me the story of Jesus, write on my heart every word, tell me the story most precious, 
Sweetest that ever was heard.”

For His Glory, Debbie 

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