

The last couple of weeks has been a whirlwind of activity for us all with Christmas and New Year’s celebrations. Second to the celebrating and remembering our Lord’s birth, these holidays are the times we spend enjoying the relationships and the love we have for our family and friends as we join together for the holiday celebrations.

In the New Year we also should be re-evaluating our relationship with God and what it is he has for us to do in the year 2023. He numbers the hairs on our head and he numbers our days, so He knows exactly what’s ahead. Psalm 139:16 “You saw my unformed substance, in your book were written…..the days that were formed for me……..” and Luke 12: 7, “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered, so fear not, you are of more value than many sparrows”.

The sermon this past Sunday, New Year’s Day, brought it all back down to our prayer life and how it affects our relationship with God and our daily walk with Him. I thought about my prayers. I mean, I pray, but it is always about a specific need. We all have many needs and concerns and feelings of hopelessness, at times.

We should be talking to God just as we talk to our best friend. When I talk to my friend, I let it all out. The anger, the fear, the resentment, the confusion and mixed in there I do mention how God has been so good to me through the years. This is not an easy world we live in! It is wonderful to have our friends who God has gifted us with, but He wants to hear from us. Even though He hears every word out of our mouths, He loves us and wants time spend with us.

As we heard on Sunday the next few weeks will be concentrated on our going out and loving others and telling them about Jesus. But, we have to be fully invested in our relationship with God. We have to be a disciple of Christ, before we can go out and make disciples.

I haven’t processed everything from that sermon yesterday. I am so thankful that I am at a church where our Pastor hears from God and boldly speaks the words to us. Every week I am touched and moved by what I hear. I am a Christian and I love the Lord, but I need to work on my prayer life.

Are we ready?
For His glory,

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