
Hello FBCBC Family

Hello FBCBC Family,

Psalm 95:2 says:
“Let us come before His Presence with Thanksgiving. Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms” (sacred songs; hymns; praises) NKJV

What a privilege it is to worship our Heavenly Father together as a church family.

We intentionally come to The Lord’s House as The Holy Spirit draws us.
We intentionally sing praises as The Holy Spirit leads us.
We intentionally make decisions for Christ as The Holy Spirit guides us.
We also can do things outside the walls of the church building sent by our Heavenly Father, intentionally, on purpose.
Why not try intentionally helping someone who needs it and cannot return a favor? How about bringing food to someone who lives alone or a young family. You could even give someone a ride to church on Sunday. Or maybe, you could ask a restaurant server or employee at a store how you can pray for them right then and there, intentionally.

If you ask God to lead you to someone who needs Him today, He will. Intentionally sharing Christ may not look the same as it use to or the way we think it should, but do it anyway.

Be intentional! Look for opportunities to transact business in Jesus’ Name. Oh what blessings come when we are intentional. Cannot wait to hear how God used you this week!
Keep a song in your
Billy Bub & Pammie K

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