
Good Morning Y’all

Good Morning Y’all,

Yesterday was a great day in service of our Lord! Thank you for singing and worshipping The God of Creation. Thank you, BK, for stepping on my toes as well as walking on top of both of my feet.

This morning I am sitting here across the LA-TX state line with my aching feet propped up, listening to the drizzling rain and contemplating the rest of the sermon …
Change starts with me.
Change Starts With me.
Change Starts With ME!

Humble myself, Pray, Seek His Face, Turn from my sin,
He will hear,
He will forgive,
He will heal.
“2 Chronicles 7:14”

I would, also, like to thank you guys for opening the door once again for me to lead you in praise and worship. I am extremely blessed and can truly say “Since I gave my heart to Jesus, the longer I serve Him the sweeter He grows.”

Be intentional :)
Bro. Billy

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