

“…except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ…” Galatians 6:14
It seems to take a lifetime to figure out that a lot of our words we say may be boasting about ourselves.  Whether it’s due to a lack of self-esteem or just a habit of talking to hear ourselves talk.  I know that I have been guilty of this many times in my life for both reasons mentioned.

Here I am writing an article about me, but sometimes these things we go through in our lives can be used as a testimony to encourage others who may have the same tendencies.  I don’t know anyone like this personally as I feel blessed to be surrounded by a church family who works hard at what the Lord has called them to do at our church.  I have learned many things from my brothers and sisters in Christ about humbleness and letting my words be few.

None of us can brag about the work that we do, because it is the Lord’s choosing as to what our gifts are and in what capacity we use them.  I am a singer and I know God has me as a leader in the music ministry.  As I have stated before, a successful leader will gather people who are smarter and more talented than them to be on their team. 
James 1:17 “Every good and perfect gift is from above...”

We can’t brag about our faith in God because He gifted us with that faith.

Ephesians 2:8-9 “By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God…”
We could go on and on with a list of all the good and wonderful gifts God has given us and each one may be an attribute of our personalities, but they are a gift and nothing that we do in and of ourselves.
Jesus described himself as a Servant.

Mark 10:45 “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.”  

Jesus, the Son of God, the Savior of the world, our redeemer, our Lord was the ultimate servant.
Who are we to think that we should boast about anything we do in our lives, when anything we have or do is a gift from God?  

‘I will boast in Christ alone, His righteousness, not my own, I will cling to Christ my hope.”

If we live this out, we will have nothing to say except thank you Lord!!

For His glory,

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