


I hope you have it on your calendar and are planning to attend our Easter musical, A Picture of Calvary.  
We at First Baptist Church are making every effort to pray for lost people.  

John 4:35 “…I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields!  They are ripe for harvest”.
This musical is a wonderful way to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and bring Christians into a closer walk with Him.

 I Chronicles 16:10-11 “Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!”     

“Seeking God’s presence continually.” Can I really take that in and realize it means exactly what it says? Look for God in every step we take, seek His face in each person we meet.  Can you imagine being so close to God that each person we meet, the first thought in our mind is, do they know Jesus Christ as Savior?

God is at work in our church.  He hears our prayers for the lost.  We saw a movement on Sunday of those coming forward for baptism.  We rejoice at these souls being saved and for answered prayers.

Each Sunday our Pastor is so diligent to preach the way to salvation and offer that time of invitation to come to the Lord for salvation or renewing ourselves, as Christians, unto the work of the Lord.

Our music ministry will be extending that same invitation to the lost and to ourselves to make sure our hearts are turned toward God, and we realize the privilege we have to serve Christ.  

Phillppians 1:29 “For you have been given the privilege of serving Christ, not only by believing in him, but also by suffering for him”.

Do we worship, love, and adore Him?  Are we serving Him with our life?

Please be in prayer for our music/drama team as they prepare their hearts to present “A Picture of Calvary.”
Also, please be in prayer to come and bring someone who doesn’t know Jesus and what He did for the world.

For His Glory,

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